About Us
Our story...
Ever since 2004, when I built my first PC, the case was the part I was always excited about the most. Sure, I have always tinkered the CPU's and GPU's, but the case was the part that always gave me that rush.
In late 2016, I have discovered the fantastic new world of SFF cases, and in 2017 I built my first PC in one. But, I wasn't satisfied with the layout and thermals, so naturally, I figured I can do better. And after a lot of 3D design, testing and prototypes, I was finally able to present the first version of the P-ATX case.
Based on P-ATX design philosophy, I will continue to develop other cases which will improve hardware compatibility even further, and thus have a line-up of cases with excellent space efficiency, for every hardware, and any purpose.
- Jakov, CEO

Case design journey
The first version of P-ATX was 9 liters in volume, but fit a lot of hardware!
After the first edition, small improvements were introduced to the V2 version:
Small increase in volume from 9 to 10 liters for better hardware compatibility (only 9 mm wider).
Improved construction and sturdiness, especially with side panels and stand.
Clean front panel with USB ports moved to left side and power button to bottom.
New finish - whole case is powdercoated in black or white with texture
Still the same excellent thermal performance, increased ventilation area on the right side so you can flip the PSU
Better quality GPU riser
Fits taller 2 slot and 3 slot GPUs, and longer GPUs with 120 mm AIO with included 92 mm fan adapter
increased CPU cooler clearance to 59 mm
easier to build in and to spec the build thanks to better compatibility
We are continuously working on improvements - do you have a suggestion? reach out to us at info@sfftime.com
Corporate social responsibility

We take great care in prioritizing sustainability and community welfare in how we operate within our company and in choosing our collaborators and suppliers.
Community welfare - Who do we collaborate with?
We collaborate with
Two highly specialized Croatian companies that cut and bend metal sheets that become your P-ATX and apply the powder-coating.
CZRR - Rijeka Rehabilitation Center that supplies us with 2 custom made boxes.The organization supports young people with disabilities and adults over the age of 21 with intellectual difficulties. We see the continuation of good cooperation as a priority and we believe that it will be continuous and long-lasting.
Sustainability - environment
Our operation produces a small amount of waste, of which all is recyclable as it is metal and plastic from the packaging.
We have specialized bins for recycling and we recycle 100% of the waste produced.
Our suppliers fully recycle scraps and recyclable waste produced during production.

Company information
SFF time llc. Milutina Barača 60, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia (European Union)
Company is registered in the Registry of Companies with the Commercial Court in Rijeka
Subscribed capital: HRK 20,000.00 – paid in full
MBS: 040405930
OIB: 04617086956
EUID: HRSR.040405930
Responsible person: Jakov Perišić
Contact: info@sfftime.com